Pace - IT Adaptive Tech Reviews
Sunday, November 19, 2006
  Interactive Emotive Speech Demo
Computer generated speech has always tended to sound a little bland, even if it was clear. Loquendo has an interesting interactive demo here so that you can try adding emphasis to sentences. You can also add sound effects like whistles, snores, yawns, and more. This may make listening to books from a digital text much more interesting if they were coded to the different voices of the characters and the narrator.
Loquendo | TTS Demos | Interactive TTS Demo
  AlphaGrip, a Handheld Keyboard and Trackball

Here's an interesting keyboard that could be useful for some. It looks difficult to become familiar with since you are typing on top with your thumbs and underneath with your fingers. The one situation it might be most useful for is for someone in bed or lying back in chair. It might also make a laptop easier to use in a cramped airline seat. They claim fifty words per minute.

AlphaGrip, a Handheld USB Computer Keyboard and Trackball for Anywhere Computing
Thursday, November 16, 2006
  Physics promises wireless power
This is an interesting 'blue sky' article about the practicality of powering/recharging electronic devices without wires. There are some methods that are already out there. I think everyone with a computer has too many little AC adaptors of all different voltages to power up all those devices. It seems this kind of technology would be even more useful for people with disabilities in that it is harder to manage plugging in those devices if you have mobility or vision limitations.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Physics promises wireless power
PACE IT--Preparing Avenues for Competitive Employment in Information Technology (& Related Fields)

Technology evaluations for PACE-IT
What are the best products on the market to help you maximize your education and work experience? This blog will identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of various hardware and software items and combinations. If you have experience with some products mentioned, or questions, then please comment.

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